Join the Performance Marine Team today.
Performance Marine Team membership is free! *
The benefits of joining our global team are that you receive news updates, information on events, results, special offers and equipment discounts as a member.
You can choose the level of membership that applies to you. Membership at all levels is free*, and you can upgrade membership levels as your interest or involvement develops.
* First year free to use
SpectatorAs a spectator, we won’t send you information on equipment offers, but we will keep you up to speed with news, events and achievements worldwide.CompetitorAs a competitor, we will send you all the information that goes to spectators, plus equipment offers. You can choose from Sailcraft, Powercraft, or both.RacerAs a racer, we provide you with all the information that you would receive as a competitor and give you access to upload photos, videos, and news on your achievements.
Based on your achievements, you may also qualify for some sponsorship discounts on equipment.Club or AssociationAs a club or association, you can upload information on all your events, including photos and videos.
We will also publish a global daily event calendar so that Performance Marine team members can find events and visit clubs wherever they are in the world.Equipment suppliers and ManufacturersTalk to the Performance Marine team about your news and product development. You can also use The Team to promote and sell new products. You can track and follow a racer category member before considering sponsorship based upon based on their achievements.
Use the Performance Team equipment portal upload facility* you can deliver real-time updates to our growing global team.
Based on your achievements, you may also qualify for some sponsorship discounts on equipment.Club or AssociationAs a club or association, you can upload information on all your events, including photos and videos.
We will also publish a global daily event calendar so that Performance Marine team members can find events and visit clubs wherever they are in the world.Equipment suppliers and ManufacturersTalk to the Performance Marine team about your news and product development. You can also use The Team to promote and sell new products. You can track and follow a racer category member before considering sponsorship based upon based on their achievements.
Use the Performance Team equipment portal upload facility* you can deliver real-time updates to our growing global team.
As a spectator, we won’t send you information on equipment offers, but we will keep you up to speed with news, events and achievements worldwide.Competitor
As a competitor, we will send you all the information that goes to spectators, plus equipment offers. You can choose from Sailcraft, Powercraft, or both.Racer
As a racer, we provide you with all the information that you would receive as a competitor and give you access to upload photos, videos, and news on your achievements.Based on your achievements, you may also qualify for some sponsorship discounts on equipment.
Club or Association
As a club or association, you can upload information on all your events, including photos and videos.We will also publish a global daily event calendar so that Performance Marine team members can find events and visit clubs wherever they are in the world.
Equipment suppliers and Manufacturers
Talk to the Performance Marine team about your news and product development. You can also use The Team to promote and sell new products. You can track and follow a racer category member before considering sponsorship based upon based on their achievements.Use the Performance Team equipment portal upload facility* you can deliver real-time updates to our growing global team.